Thursday, October 29, 2009

Just another day

Don’t go out there today
Stay in the comfort of your room
The waves threaten to be high and ferocious
Too bad you can’t afford that luxury
Put on a brave smile, shrug it off, scent yourself
But beware it could be fatally dangerous
In the middle of your day
When you least expect it
It will hit you
Here it comes
Brace yourself
Your eyes are droopy
Your mouth is curved downwards
Your hands are submissive
Don’t struggle
You will sink quicker
Don’t plug your nose
It will only cut off the oxygen sooner
Wait for it
Here it comes
A big wave of dread and anxiety
Leaving you paralyzed
Just let it take you
If you’re lucky
It may release you
And carry you back to the top
Where you’ll float for a little while
Before the next wave comes.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

In order to exprience this poem at its best, I highly recommend that you please pause, click on the link below, put on the following music in the background and then read on:

straight to number one

Pull my hair
Yank my shirt
Order me to kiss you
Swing me around
Slap me
Bite me
Poke me
Own me
Demolish me
into little pieces
Burn me
Crystallize me
into one of your possessions

Look into my eyes
Pull me close against your chest
Until our hearts beat as one
Trust that I will
Kiss your tears away
Whisper sweet words in my ear
Light the flame of love inside me
Its warmth shelters us both from the unknown
I’m lost in you and you in me
Until we find ourselves in the other

One Night,
Walk through a narrow street in Paris
Where the scattered street lamps and rain drops make the pavements glow
And stop upon a rustic apartment with a window pan of purple flowers
Come inside and find me
My hair in wild curls strewn around me due to the humidity
My skin soft and moist-
My lips red from the wine
See me, pause and really see me, see through me, inside me
Touch me
Remind me
Of your scent so intoxicating
Your tongue so curious
Your body so strong
Your love so warm and tender
Make me tremble in your embrace
Run your hands down my long legs
And remind me
Of that Tuesday long ago
When I experienced lust at its most fervent peak
Or the Thursday
When I felt love in all its glory
Let love and lust combine in an explosive passion
Put me under your spell
And make me so high that I once again feel connected
With the earth, God, the streets of Paris, with you,
With myself.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Shayla, this one's for you

On this dreary day:

Even the yellow leaves on my office plant give up,
And plunge to their untimely death on my carpet,
Making me look like a careless murderer.

The Toronto hydro generator hums its last breath,
And shuts off power to the entire business city block,
Whispering it’s last fuck you to the elite for making it work so hard.

My co-workers huddle into my office lacking any feelings of nostalgia over the unusual event. The only excitement they voice is for having pressed save on their computers. I suggest we hold hands and sing kumbaya but they lazily yawn and role their eyes at me. A silly girl dismissed.

My last phone call is wasted when Teo calls to complain about her ungrateful boss who is making her conduct banking during her lunch hour-- any sense of commonality is lost between us as the sound of her voice is drowned against a loud announcement: “The police have been called. Please leave the bank immediately”. An employee accidently tripped over the alarm!

I stand tall on the furnace in my office in my high heeled boots,
And look out at the city underneath me from the floor to ceiling glass windows,
I spread my arms and contemplate what it would feel like to fly before I hit the concrete.

I pause,
I smile and
I thank God.

Today is a dreary day,
but hey-
at least I’m not:

Sad enough to let go of my claws dug firmly into life,
Mad enough to quit just to screw them,
Tainted enough to waste unique opportunities,
Dumb enough to set off an alarm, or
Dull enough not to contemplate ways to fly.